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Screen upside down in Windows 10? Here are 3 ways to solve the problem in seconds!

The screen is upside down in Windows 10 is one of the strangest and most annoying problems when suddenly encountered on the computer, as this problem occurs as a result of unintentionally pressing the wrong buttons on the keyboard, or after installing a program that changed the display direction on the screen, or it usually occurs after connecting a screen External to the computer, you will notice suddenly the content of the screen is turned upside down and it is difficult to use the device in this way.

Fortunately, you can solve the problem and adjust the screen again and display the content horizontally in 3 easy ways.

1- Solve the problem of the screen is turned upside down in Windows 10 via the keyboard

Yes, the keyboard can solve the problem of the screen is upside down, as there are shortcuts for the keyboard keys that lead to rotating the screen and controlling the display direction and they are activated by default on most devices after installing the graphics card driver, and therefore this problem may occur when you accidentally click on these shortcuts, To solve the problem, all you have to do is press Ctrl + Alt + any of the four arrow buttons, as you should see the effect of screen rotation whenever you press the arrow buttons on the keyboard. If you notice this effect, you can solve the problem simply by adjusting the direction of the screen display moderate to view.

2- Fix the screen upside down problem in Windows 10

In the event that the first method did not work and the problem was not solved by shortening the keyboard, there is another easier solution that you can try and will have an effective effect in solving the problem, which is to go to the desktop and then click right on any empty place to show you the right-click menu where you click from it On the Display Settings option, to go directly to the Settings application, where the Display section is located to control the screen settings, through this window, click on the Orientation menu and select the Landscape option, then you will notice that the display direction of the screen has been neutralized to the normal shape, so press the Apply button to install this mode.

For users of an older version of Windows than Windows 10, such as Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, you can solve the problem after going to the Control Panel and then clicking on the Appearance and Personalization section where you find the Adjust screen resolution option and click on it where the screen control options appear from In terms of dimensions and display orientation, click on the Orientation menu, select Landscape, and then click the Keep changes button to keep the changes.

3- Adjust the display direction settings by defining the graphics card

If the previous methods were pointless, do not despair! There is another solution, which is by defining the graphics card itself, and often the main graphics card in computers is the Intel graphics card, so to solve the problem you will click right click anywhere on the desktop and then choose from the menu Intel Graphic Settings then press it to show you the graphic interface To control the Intel graphics card, you will move from it to the Display section, where you will find the part inside it for changing the display direction. To rotate the screen and make it moderate, make this option set to 0 and not any other angle.

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