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Learn How To Write A Letter Using Your Computer

Do you need to write a letter to a friend? Or maybe you need to construct a business letter to a potential client? Do you want to make sales letters to promote your products?

If so, keep your pen and paper. You won't need your old typewriter either. Instead, turn on your computer and start writing the letter. Your letter will sound and look better using a computer. To start your letter, just follow the steps below:

1. Open The Word Processing Software.

The most popular word processing software today is Microsoft Word. Install it using the Microsoft Office setup disc. If you don't use Windows, don't worry. You have a lot of alternatives to it. Sun System's Open Office is one of your options. And it is free too.

2. Make A Rough Draft Of The Body Of Your Letter.

After opening the software, you should see a clear white page on the screen. This is where you can type your message. Type everything you want to say, most preferably in an outline form so you won't forget anything. Don't worry about spelling. Most word processors nowadays are equipped with spelling and grammar-checking tools. Writing a letter becomes much easier with computers, indeed.

3. Put In The Necessary Parts Of The Letter To Make It Formal.

The essential parts of a letter are the date, the inside address, the salutation, the body, and the closing. If you are writing a business letter, make sure all these parts are included. For an informal letter to a friend, the inside address could be deleted.

4. Save The Letter For Sending.

After finalizing and editing your letter to perfection, proceed save the letter for future reference. If you are going to send it via snail mail, you have to send the file to the printer. If it is going to be sent via email, just copy everything you have written down and paste it on the body part of the email software you are using. Type the recipient's email address and the subject of the email as well. Click send and your done.

These are the four basic steps on how to write letters using your computer. In the absence of word processing software, you can directly type the letter inside your email software, provided that you'll send the letter electronically. Emails are more preferable to snail mail, as they are sent much faster and are free to use.

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